Opening hours

(We accept reservations all days all hours.)

May - September

Every day 9 AM - 11 PM

Nordic food in raw nature!

Welcome to our seasonal menu which changes according to the different times of the year. Inspired by Norwegian nature, tradition and the changing weather of the west coast we will each season present new menus with the kitchens own local twists.

Hosting a party?

Skyskraperen is spectacularly located near the top of Mount Ulriken. Here you will find both a drop-in café and a reservations only restaurant. We can offer meeting or conference rooms, a dinner venue which offers private rooms in several sizes, a panorama terrace with an outside bar & barbecue, and possibilities for lots of different activities or entertainment.

Lunch menu

Experience the city's highest located restaurant where our chefs serve delicious tastes based on the seasons best local produce.

Dinner menu

Watch the sunset and the city lights while indulging into whatever the kitchen cooks up. Relax and enjoy. Skyskraperen will take care of you.

The seasons

Local produce in a new wrapping.

At Skyskraperen you can enjoy great food and stunning views. Remember to try one of the local Norwegian beverages. We offer a nice selection.

Blomkalblomst sky 12

SPRING: Apr. - Jun.

Tomater sky 09

SUMMER: Jul. - Sep.

Paere sky 01

AUTUMN: Oct. - Des.

Rotsaker2 sky 02

VINTER: Jan. - Mar.

Anders Isager

Anders Isager is a diploma chef by profession with vast knowledge of the food industry. He is also general manager of Skyskraperen, and has hosted several high quality cooking courses, food demonstrations and arrangements.