Velkommen til Skyskraperen og en aften utenom det vanlige!
Kjøkkensjef Petter Sævareid overlater kjøkkenet til våre flinke kokkelærlinger, som kokkelerer sammen sin helt egen meny til dere denne kvelden.
Nivået på menyen blir selvsagt det normale og høye når lærlingene tar oss med på en reise både til sjø og land. Likevel selges menyen til superpris, så det er bare å sikre seg plass tidlig. En bedre middagsdeal fås kanskje ikke igjen på Ulrikens topp igjen 😊
Menyen presenteres underveis, men gi bare beskjed om eventuelle allergier i kommentarfeltet når dere booker bord. Smaksløkene kan uansett bare glede seg. Oppmøte er kl. 18 på taubanestasjonen, og en forfriskende aperitiff står klar på toppen. Vi avslutter til aller senest kl. 23.
Velkommen til Skyskraperen og en aften utenom det vanlige!
Kjøkkensjef Petter Sævareid overlater kjøkkenet til våre flinke kokkelærlinger, som kokkelerer...
17th of May at Ulriken!
Do you want to celebrate Norwegian constitution Day with a visit to Ulriken and amazing food?We will starbreakfast, then a 3-course...
Imagine being able to access the top of the city whenever you want, all year round! The year pass is now digital, so you can have it on your phone at all times. If you prefer a plastic card, please purchase this at our ticket office for a surcharge of 300 NOK.
The annual card pays off from the third visit!
A year pass lasts 12 months from the purchase date.
If you purchase a year card pass as a gift, the recipient choses themselves the activation date.
To view our opening hours throughout the year, please press here
Unlimited number of trips with the cable car
Now you can experience the city's peak through all seasons! With an annual pass, you get direct access to a spectacular restaurant, the city's best views and fantastic nature experiences!
Bring along a child for free!
All annual card holders can bring along a child for free when they travel (up to 15 years).
Mountain coffee club: Free coffee at Ulriken!
Join the mountain coffee club for only NOK 199, - so you have access to free coffee every time you visit Ulriken.
Discount on Skyskraperen seasonal lunch and tasting menu, as well as concerts
Seasonal lunch is a 3-course meal, the seasonal tasting menu is a 5-course meal and you get a discount on our concerts / events.
Discount at JAJA restaurant
You get a 10% discount at JAJA restaurant that serves great street food on Danmarksplass
Discount at Ulriken Cafe
As a year card holder you get 10% discount on the mountain menu and other snacks
Discount at NEXT Danmarksplass
As a year card holder you will get to buy a membership for only kr 379 NOK a month.